Some specific things I want to remember from Priscilla Shirer:
- What have you stopped expecting God to do in your life? As God to make Himself flesh to you in this part of your life.
- Unconfessed sin is like putting the veil back up in the temple.
- If I don't "get anything" out of a passage of scripture or a lesson, what does it teach me about the character and personality of my God?
- Priscilla Shirer calls her grandparents "Twodaddy" and "Twomommy". Precious!
The next speaker was Liz Curtis Higgs:
- Her story of falling out of the airport bench/seat. Make-you-cry-hilarious!
- Liz spoke on the passage in Mark about the woman who had been bleeding for 12 years. That is 4,380 days of being considered unclean and untouchable.
- Touching Jesus would have meant she was breaking the Law. Perhaps she was healed the moment she reached forward so she wasn't actually bleeding by the time she touched Him - thus not breaking the Law.
- Jesus had his "back" to the woman, but He still healed her.
- When a person is trying that hard to find joy [by using drugs/alcohol, etc.] and settling for fun, that person is a seeker on the path to God.
Kay Arthur brought the house down, in my opinion, and she looked INCREDIBLE!
- She spoke for probably 15 minutes and quoted scripture after scripture. I was again convicted of my laziness in regard to memorizing God's Word. I was also energized about teaching Bible study.
- I actually got within a couple of feet of Kay while she was signing autographs and taking pictures. She was RIGHT THERE! It was a big moment, I'm telling you!
- She recommended a book by David Bossie about Hillary Clinton. If Kay Arthur says to read something, by golly I'm going to read it!
- My favorite quote from Kay: "Believe the Word, obey the Word, and eventually you'll wear the enemy out."
The Jeremy Camp concert was incredible. If you were there, you know what I mean. Indescribable.
The last speaker was Karen Kingsbury, who is incredibly tall and very gracious.
- I had a book autographed by her and we spoke for just a few seconds. She is my favorite Christian fiction author of all time.
- My favorite quote from Karen: "A vibrant, joyful life always puts priority on the people God has placed in your life."
- Click the link for the videos she referenced on YouTube: old lady and the airbag: and the one about anencephaly:
- The entire auditorium was one blubbering mess when she finished by reading her children's book, Let Me Hold You Longer. I don't even have kids and I was a total wreck!
What a weekend! My prayer is that the Lord will enable me to put what I learned into action in my life. Otherwise, it was just an expensive shopping trip. I want the experience to be much more real than that. I can hardly wait until next year!